Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jack is Awesome!

So my baby is growing up!  I love this little boy!  Again in the sideways picture are his light up shoes!  I finally found some sketchers that were decent looking light up shoes that Jack has been begging for!  He loves them,  he thinks he is the coolest with his new shoes!  Made my day with how happy he was with them!  He also recently started Karate, which seems to be his knack!  He just the uniform or Gi and he thinks he is big time!  He enjoys every minute of it each week! I am so thrilled he likes it so much!  He is awesome sauce!


shannen said...

Sensei Sean! What school do you go to for karate? We did Mtn View for a couple of years then switched to Ashton Ranch which is now Marley Park. We're taking the semester off this time around - major karate burnout from going year round for a few years now. I actually find myself missing it though. Good luck Jack!

bematheson said...

Yup we are doing it at mtn view!