Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sour Patch Kid!

I love my kids they are so opposite, Jack is hyper and doesnt sleep and chloee is independent calm and a wonderful sleeper. As sweet and cute as they are sometimes a child does something naughty that is partly funny. So my little brother Timmy comes over and hangs out with us sometimes and he has nicknamed Jack a sourpatch kid, because first he's sweet then he is sour. He can be totally sweet and loving and the next minute he slaps ya in the However Yesturday Chloee was laying on my bed while i put on my makeup. Jack started jumping on the bed by her and I told him not to jump by Chloee because if he landed on her she would have to go to the hospital and it would hurt her (he knows what the ER is because he went there a couple months ago) Anyway so he sits down on the bed and the next thing i know he throws the remote at her head, Chloee of course screams poor thing and Jack turns to me and says "oh mom now we have to go to the hospital" She was okay of course, but in the midst of me being mad i couldn't help but laugh at his comment. I have no idea where he gets his sarcasm from haha wink wink...


Kathryn said...

Gotta love big brothers. Thankfully we all survive!!

Okay so did you watch last night? I am mad at Amy now!!! She had her chance to get rid of her and she didn't! You know that if Vicki has a chance she sure as heck is going to vote Amy off. What was she thinking???? I don't know if I can watch anymore if Vicki wins this thing!!!! OK calm down....

Anonymous said...

Wow she is going to be a tough cookie with Jack around! He is a crack up. I am so excited that Dru is going to be here in just a fwe hours!