Friday, December 19, 2008

One of those Days

Oh my Goodness today has been one of those days!!!! My little nugget children have cried and thrown fits and nothing has made them happy. I finally took chloee to her bed and let her duke out in there till she fell asleep, i made jack sit on the couch turned on the backyardagains and told him not to move, i think he finally fell asleep. I think the earth is not lined up then i went to the store to get stamps and guess what i came home with out stamps, what was i thinking i have no idea! i can't seem to get it together today! But i have just openend up a redbull so i think its going to be okay...:)


Kathryn said...

Check to see if it was a full moon. That is when I have those kind of days. I know it is a little late but I haven't been able to find your address anywhere to send you a Christmas card. Will you email me! THanks! Merry Christmas!