Thursday, October 9, 2008

2 Kids

So having two kids is not as bad as i thought it was going to be. Taking care of them is pretty easy its finding the time to clean the house and do other things that seems to be the problem :). I guess i will figure that out as time goes on. It has been fun though we have had family here and enjoying our new little girl has been fun. Jack is such a sweet big brother most of the time, but he has his moments where he tries to ya know step on her head, scratch her etc. He does really well if it is just me him and chloee, poor guy he is so use to being the only one. Jack and i usually play outside or do something fun when chloees taking her nap and he seems to like that. Both my kiddos are such a blessing, i love them so much. Wade is definitely doing great with both kids, he even stayed home yesturday and jack and him got to have some father son time, it was nice. I think the biggest difference is that i am never not busy now it seems like once i get everything done and us finally dressed its time to go to bed and start the day over again, time goes by superfast with two.. but i wouldnt change it for the world.


Kathryn said...

Wait until number three comes along and you are outnumbered! You will get into a routine soon! It is so fun to see you as a Mom! Actually it makes me feel a little old!

Nix-N-Nax Boutique said...

It really does get easier to manage everything. Maybe not a cake walk, but easier:) They are both cuties though!!