Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby Shower

Thank you to all of my wonderfu Family and friends that came to my shower. A special thanks for My mom, Ali and Sarah for helping get it together. Gotta thank DArci for the great cake. It was so much fun. I loved getting all the little pinks purples etc. girly stuff. Im painting her room tonight so im even more excited. I am about ready for this little girl to get here, i think we all are. Jack already tries to feed my belly its pretty funny. I can't believe we only have a couple weeks left, seems like we just found out we were pregnant. Anyways just wanted to say thanks and that the shower was fantastic.


Kathryn said...

It is so good to see your mom in the pictures. Please say Hello.
Okay, so that is the second picture I have seen where you don't look very big. Looks like you had fun.

Nix-N-Nax Boutique said...

Your shower was really fun, and I am glad you got some good GIRLY stuff! However, that picture that I am in... what the? Not sure what I was doing there:)

Jeff and Ang said...

Yay! HOw fun is girly stuff?? I'm glad you hada good shower (: You look so great!! It's getting so close, I bet you are excited!!

Nix-N-Nax Boutique said...

For my blog header I go to It is really fun. You can either make your own from scratch, or they have TONS of templates that you can arrange however you want, and you just add your pictures. SUPER FUN:)

Devey Crew said...

It was lots of fun the pics are great. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I am glad I got to take the picts so I am not in any of them, my little monkey is in a ton of them though. You are such a cute preg lady! Can't wait ot meet Chloee!

Mauzy Fam said...

You are just adorable! I'm so excited for you to have a girl. Cute pictures! You are so cute pregnant.